Wednesday, 20 July 2011

"Periphery! Love that shit!"

Yeah, one band that my friends keep bugging me about because they've seen them live and I haven't is Periphery. For those of you who don't know, they are a sort of figure-head for the new metal genre of "djent", named after the guitar sound.

You're probably sitting there right now making that noise and seeing if it works. Well it does.

They played on the saturday of Sonisphere and unfortunately I was unable to see them, as I was only allowed to the sunday, as I am yet to turn 16 and become an adult in the eyes of U.K. law. Only a month to go though. And you wouldn't believe it if you saw me. BUT, the point is, that Periphery are amazing and my friends have been rubbing it in my face for the past 6 F***ING MONTHS! I know, my language is appaling.

Anywhore, I wanted to show you why they have been the forefront of me and my friends attention for the past year or so.
This is probably their most famous song (how mainstream) and indeed, one of their best.

And seen as I'm obssessed with them, here's another of The Defiled's songs;

I used to think this song wasn't as good compared to their others, but then I realised that this album has no bad songs. And this chorus is, to me, haunting. I absolutely love his singing voice. 
Yeah, that's me done.

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