Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Human Violence At It's Finest...

...And I Want More.

A lyric from Suicide Silence there. I figured it was rather relevant given the Norway bombing the other day. The guy was such a megalomaniacal fascistical moron that even his own defense lawyer went on the news saying that his "client is insane." Even his lawyer had given up on him. Says a lot.

Suicide Silence write a lot about humans being a dispicable and horrific race and that "I Want More" part means he wants to see the human race rip itself apart and destroy itself to prevent us from inflicting anymore harm upon the world. I'm guessing this of course, it is merely an educated guess.

And for all you lovely people, here is the song that that lyric comes from, bewilderingly titled...
... Human Violence. Off their new album "The Black Crown." Must get ma hand on a copy (legally, obviously), but I've been a bit strapped for cash recently. Ooh, I'll ask for it for my birthday, which is only a couple of weeks away now. WOO!

It's weird that I'm not yet 16 and yet all my friends are. All in good time, all in good time...

"The road to hell is paved with your indiscretions."

Saturday, 23 July 2011

"Once You Go Black, You Go Deaf"

After the old wii broke we now have a new wii! ... And it is BLACK! Although it is still a wii, so therefore a letdown on many levels. BUT IT LOOKS SO COOL... I'd still rather have an xbox :(

Had a sleepover yesterday with George (if there are any messages on social networking sites that are stupid/offensive then I apologise) and we played New Super Mario Bros, which we all died a ridiculous amount on, and then watched Jaws 2, Shaun of the Dead and Independence Day. Man, that sounds way too girly for a guy sleepover.

Oh, apparently Amy Winehouse has died (no doubting what of). I guess when she was actually making music and not being a media whore she was pretty good. It's a shame when people waste their lives like that though.

In more uplifting news I now have a member-follower-type-person-majig-wotsit-thing. THANK YOU.

And now, I shall bugger off.


That is all.

Friday, 22 July 2011

"It'll Be Tomorrow By Today"

Today I has another band practice (the last one was yesterday, although only Jacob was there yesterday) with George (drums) and Jacob (bass). I'm guitar and vocals, by the way. We went through a coupla songs today, and taught Jacob his third song as a new addition to the band. Yesterday he learnt "Oxymoron" and today he learnt "Crying Wolf". The other song he knows is "Black Light". Apparently George [everyone] is sick of that one coz it's the first one everyone learnt, and is kinda complicated so took feck ages to learn/teach.

I'm really thrilled at the progress that we've made, especially Jacob. To be honest I'm sick and tired of sitting around as a band and not being able to do gigs. Soon that shall be changed. I'll give you guys (if there are any, which there aren't) a shout when that happens. That sentence is kinda pointless. So is this blog. NO ONE IS READING. BLABALABABLABALA! BALBALABALBALABLABLA! BALLS! BALLS! BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLS!


...the video this is from:
  This is genius, and I am tired.

Thursday, 21 July 2011


It's the name of a song I just finished writing. As you can expect from my first couple of posts it's heavy (as fuck) with a decent bouncy riff. And it's about zombies. I mean, it's kinda sceney and possibly a bit corny/cheesey, but hell, zombies are just cool. It's also written from the zombie's perspective (sounds pretentious, I know), but it's really angry and violent. METAL!

At some point I will record the songs I have written with my band and make a MySpace for it and all that other internet junk. Seen as only my close friends know, my band is called Jane Doe (-the name they give a woman when she is unidentifiable upon death, or just generally unknown). I personally think it is a really cool name. But yeah, that's all I have to say on the matter.

Reminded today when Jacob came round for a jam about this iconic Sonisphere 2011 moment. Seen as it's one of the few songs Jacob properly knew by Slipknot, so when the opening riff started we both went varying degrees of mental.
Enjoy it.

T'rah. I'm off to watch Jaws.

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

"Periphery! Love that shit!"

Yeah, one band that my friends keep bugging me about because they've seen them live and I haven't is Periphery. For those of you who don't know, they are a sort of figure-head for the new metal genre of "djent", named after the guitar sound.

You're probably sitting there right now making that noise and seeing if it works. Well it does.

They played on the saturday of Sonisphere and unfortunately I was unable to see them, as I was only allowed to the sunday, as I am yet to turn 16 and become an adult in the eyes of U.K. law. Only a month to go though. And you wouldn't believe it if you saw me. BUT, the point is, that Periphery are amazing and my friends have been rubbing it in my face for the past 6 F***ING MONTHS! I know, my language is appaling.

Anywhore, I wanted to show you why they have been the forefront of me and my friends attention for the past year or so.
This is probably their most famous song (how mainstream) and indeed, one of their best.

And seen as I'm obssessed with them, here's another of The Defiled's songs;

I used to think this song wasn't as good compared to their others, but then I realised that this album has no bad songs. And this chorus is, to me, haunting. I absolutely love his singing voice. 
Yeah, that's me done.

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Meine Bog Blog

Well, this is something new to me, but I figured, I'm bored and I haven't done this before. Also, I've been reading and following a few blogs and decided that although they were entertaining, they didn't really share my musical preferences (i.e. people posting RHCP videos on their post instead of, say, ADTR). I use this example because the bands have 4 letters and it's kinda cool. Wait, cool isn't what I meant. I think I meant GAY.

But, I digress...

This past coupla weeks has seen me attend both the Sunday of Sonisphere Knebworth and the entire of Guilfest. Both were amazing. At Soni I saw Black Tide, Arch Enemy, Parkway Drive, In Flames, Mastodon, Airbourne, Anberlin, Limp Bizkit, Bill Bailey and the all-supreme Slipknot. One of the best days of my life. Great atmosphere there too. When the intro for SK finished and the opening riff of (sic) came on I nearly had a bloody heart-attack. SO F***ING AWESOME!

Then Guilfest. The highlights being the headliners Funeral For A Friend, Skindred and The Defiled. Shame Gallows couldn't play but I'm not a huge fan so I didn't mind. The Defiled had a really small crowd. I figure it was coz loads of people who would've turned up for Gallows just didn't bother, so G'Fest was more empty.

I am loving The Defiled so much at the moment (even more than usual). Here is meine personal favourite song: Metropolis

They also have actual videos for Call To Arms, and The Resurrectionists. They are a really good, but really small band at the moment so go check 'em out, give 'em your support, buy a t-shirt, whatever. As well as this
I ACTUALLY MET THEM!!! I met the three guys on the left in the pic in the vid. They were really nice guys and I got a picture with them, although I don't have it, one of my friends does.

Also, Skindred, who have to be the 2nd best band I have ever seen live (second only to Slipknot) have some awesome choons. Here's one off their newest album: Warning
Has guest vocals from Jacoby Shaddix from Papa Roach, who is a fantastic singer and has an amazing band too.

Well, that's my first post done.

I'll see you when I see you.